Membership of the CZCP is not strictly formalized. However, a list of persons actively contributing to the
CZCP activities includes but is not limited to:
Paul M. DiGiacomo, NOAA, USA (Co-Chair)
Hans-Peter Plag, University of Nevada, Reno, USA (Co-Chair)
Michael Bruno, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA (Chair, Workshop Series)
Jimmy Adegoke, USA
Robert R. Christian, USA
Franciscus Colijn, GKSS, Germany
Liana McManus, USA
Tom Malone, USA
Jose H Muelbert, Brasil
Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat
Persons having expressed interest in or are member of the CZCP include:
- Canada:
- Kenneth Korporal, Yves Crevier, Steve Solomon, Jason Duffe,
- Egypt:
- Mahmoud H Ahmed, Marine Sciences Department, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, NARSS, CAIRO, Egypt
- Germany:
- Hugues Lantuit, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany
- Nadia Pinardi, University of Bologna
- Francesco Lalli, ISPRA
- Japan:
- Genki Terauchi, NOWPAP CEARAC
- Malta:
- Aldo Drago, University of Malta
- Puerto Rico:
- Jorge Corredor, University of Puerto Rico
- Julio Morell, University of Puerto Rico
- Spain:
- Françoise Breton, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Carles Ibañez, Coordinator of the Aquatic Ecosystems Program of IRTA, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Catalonia, Spain
- The Netherlands:
- Sandra Megens, Afdeling Waterkwaliteit (WGSI), Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst, Lelystad, The Netherlands
- USA:
- Pablo Clemente-Colon, National Ice Center, NOAA
- Doug Wilson, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, USA