
Action Items:

CZCP Work Plan Meeting, August 27-28, 2013:

List of Action Items

List created on 2011- 1-18 21:45: 2 -0800

Action Item CZCP-PR-9-1: Doug Wilson will send the IOCARIBE mailing list to Paul DiGiacomo. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-17.

Action Item CZCP-PR-9-2: Doug Wilson will send a mail to Julio Morell and ask him to prepare a report on gaps and operational issues in the coastal observing system in the Caribbean. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-18.

Action Item CZCP-PR-9-3: Hans-Peter Plag will add the names of persons who asked for travel support into the master list. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-19.

Action Item CZCP-PR-9-4: Doug Wilson will contact Sophia Rolle. Roy A. Watlington will contact Jeremy Collymore and CDEMA. Paul DiGiacomo will contact GOOS. Julio Morell and Jorge Corredor will contact Ernesto Diaz. Douglas Cripe will facilitate an invitation to the minster of Tourism in St. Kitts. Hans-Peter Plag will contact Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade. Paul DiGiacomo and Doug Wilson will send out further invitations. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Roy A. Watlington, Paul DiGiacomo, Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, Douglas Cripe, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-19.

Action Item CZCP-PR-7-2: Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade will contact the Secretariat of ACODESE and investigate the interest of them to participate in the workshop. Responsible: Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Deadline: 2010-12-07.

Action Item CZCP-PR-7-3: Roy A. Watlington will contact CDEMA and investigate the interest of them to participate in the workshop. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2010-12-07.

Action Item CZCP-PR-7-4: Roy A. Watlington will look at the document under the link 'Sustainable Tourism in SIDS' available on the workshop web page and provide input to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2010-12-09.

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-3: Julio Morell will follow up contacts to the Governor's office in order to find out to what extent the office may want to participate in the workshop. Responsible: Julio Morell, Deadline: 2010-11-19.

Status of Action Item CZCP-PR-4-3: Open.
Report: Julio Morell reported that he approached the contact at the DNER, and his feeling was that if the Governor would come, then other high cabinet members would also come. It would also be possible to have the Governor's wife come, who is a good speaker and a lawyer. Reported on 2010-11-19 by Hans-Peter Plag.

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