
Action Items:

CZCP Work Plan Meeting, August 27-28, 2013:

Steering Committee 3rd Workshop, Puerto Rico Telcon

Friday, January 21, 2011
15:30 - 17:00 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2011- 1-28 1:16)


Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, UNR (Co-Chair)
Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat (Core Member)
Jennifer Lewis, NOAA, National Weather Service
Doug Wilson, NOAA (Correspondent)
Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA (Co-Chair)
Jorge Corredor, UPR (Member)
Jenny Hillary
Roy A. Watlington, CaRA/CARICOOS
Michael Bruno, Stevens (Workshop Series Chair)
Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, NOAA, Director CTWS


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telecon
A list of Action Items is available here .

2 Status of Local Organization.

3 Status of Invitations and other urgent issues
The list of candidates for speakers and session chairs with the status of the invitations has been distributed by e-mail.

4 Workshop Program and Session Chairs
A draft workshop program is available at and there the link 'Draft Program.'

5 Decision on funding of participants
A list of applicants for funding has been distributed by e-mail.

6 Any Other Business

7 Date and time for PR-12

8 Summary of Action Items


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telecon

A list of Action Items is available here .


Action Item CZCP-PR-10-1: Roy A. Watlington will contact Lenard Nurce, Vincent Sweeny and Neville Trust and invite these to participate in the Workshop. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2011-01-21,

Roy A. Watlington reported that he had not heard back from the persons, and he would call again. Concerning the contact to CDEMA, he mentioned that his called was answered by a new person, who had less knowledge of the situation. Hans-Peter Plag stated that he had no time to follow up

Action Item CZCP-PR-10-2: Hans-Peter Plag will send a list of contacts for the Ministries of Tourism in the Carribbean to Douglas Cripe. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-20,

but would do so in the next days.

Douglas Cripe confirmed that is should be easy to follow up

Action Item CZCP-PR-10-3: Douglas Cripe will ensure that invitations are sent to all Ministries of Tourism in the Carribbean. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-01-24,

once the list of Ministries was available.

Following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-10-4: Hans-Peter Plag will updated the draft program available on the web according to the information listed in the xls master file. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-19,

Hans-Peter Plag had updated the program and requested that all Committee members would send further updat


Action Item CZCP-PR-10-5: Hans-Peter Plag will contact Stuart Marsh to get advice on a good avenue to contact the U.K. government for support of the workshop. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-19,

Hans-Peter Plag reported that an initial request was sent to Stuart Marsh but had not yet resulted into actionable information.

Douglas Cripe reported that the list available to him was not what was needed to follow up

Action Item CZCP-PR-9-1: Doug Wilson will send the IOCARIBE mailing list to Paul DiGiacomo. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-17.

2 Status of Local Organization.

Jorge Corredor explained that three of the pre-paid rooms are required for Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, and Vanessa Gutierrez. Another room would also be nee

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-1: Doug Wilson will send a list of persons for the six pre-paid rooms not yet allocated to Jorge Corredor. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-28.

Jorge Corredor also mentioned that funds available to Roy A. Watlington will be used to cover travel costs for maybe two high-level participants from

Doug Wilson asked whether it would help if he initiated a request for tarvel funds for Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade. Jorge Corredor confirmed that this would improv

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-2: Doug Wilson will initiate a request for travel funds for Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-24.

Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that he had only seen four registrations so far. This led to

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-3: Jorge Corredor will ask Vanessa Gutierrez to send an overview of the registrations received so far to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: Jorge Corredor, Deadline: 2011-01-26.

3 Status of Invitations and other urgent issues

The list of candidates for speakers and session chairs with the status of the invitations has been distributed by e-mail.

Michael Bruno reported that he was still waiting to hear back from the agencies in Puerto Rico.

Jennifer Lewis mentioned a list of the regional met services, and she sent this list during the telecon to Paul DiGiacomo for personal invitations.

Jennifer Lewis also stated that she had access to a number of other list, including some lists for South America. This led to:

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-4: Hans-Peter Plag will sent the workshop announcement to Jennifer Lewis for distribution to the list available to her. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-21.

4 Workshop Program and Session Chairs

A draft workshop program is available at and there the link 'Draft Program.' The program was discussed thoroughly. Hans-Peter Plag emphasized the need to close the gaps in the session conveners. Potential candidates for session conveners were discussed but no firm decision were made.

Hans-Peter Plag emphasized the need to close the gap with respect to ecosystems and biodiversity.

Concerning the pre-study on user needs and stakeholders, it was agree to aim for a presentation in Session P1.

There was considerable discussion about the role of speakers and conveners for Plenary Sessions 5 and 6. It was emphasized that t

5 Decision on funding of participants

A list of applicants for funding has been distributed by e-mail.

It was confirmed that Acolla Lewis-Cameron should be funded. No other decisions were made. However, there was consensus that these

6 Any Other Business

There was no other business.

7 Date and time for PR-12

It was agreed to have the minor telecon on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 19:00 UTC, and to have the next full telecon on January 28, 2011, at 18:00 UTC.

8 Summary of Action Items

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-1: Doug Wilson will send a list of persons for the six pre-paid rooms not yet allocated to Jorge Corredor. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-2: Doug Wilson will initiate a request for travel funds for Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-01-24.

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-3: Jorge Corredor will ask Vanessa Gutierrez to send an overview of the registrations received so far to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: Jorge Corredor, Deadline: 2011-01-26.

Action Item CZCP-PR-11-4: Hans-Peter Plag will sent the workshop announcement to Jennifer Lewis for distribution to the list available to her. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-01-21.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

Note that these pages are no longer updated and only available for historical purposes.