
Action Items:

CZCP Work Plan Meeting, August 27-28, 2013:

Steering Committee 3rd Workshop, Puerto Rico Telcon

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
18:00 - 19:30 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2010- 8-25 22:32)


Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA (Co-Chair)
Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, UNR (Co-Chair)
Julio Morell, UPR (Member)
Jorge Corredor, UPR (Member)
Michael Bruno, Stevens (Workshop Series Chair)
Doug Wilson, NOAA (Correspondent)


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telcon

2 Logistics and dates of the Workshop
The proposed dates are March 9-11, 2011, with arrival on March 8, ice breaker in the evening, start at 9:00 AM on March 9, end around lunch time on March 11. What venue will be available for these dates? Who is taking care of workshop registrations? What hotels can be offered and what is the hotel reservation process? Other logistic issues?

3 Scope, objectives, and anticipated output

4 Workshop format
Should the workshop be open for contributed presentations or only for invited keynotes? Should there be breakout sessions or only plenary sessions? If we go for breakout sessions, topics need to be identified asap so that the conveners can be determined and start work asap. If we go for keynotes only, then no abstract submission would be necessary.

5 Thematic preparations and pre-studies
See the comments in the workshop document .

6 Invitations of end users, sponsors, and other contacts to be established
See the list of organizations in the workshop document .

7 Web announcement
See .

8 Publishing of the announcement through lists
Announcement through GEO mails and web pages. What else?

9 Any Other Business

10 Summary fo Action Items


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telcon

Concerning all confirmed that no conflict had been identified. It was concluded that the workshop dates are March 9-11, 2011.

Julio Morell reported that following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-1-2: Julio Morell will check availability of venue for an anticipated seventy five workshop participants. Responsible: Julio Morell, Deadline: 2010-08-01,

they had been in contact with the Hilton. The initial response was that a suitable meeting room would be available at reasonable conditions. Michael Bruno confirmed that the Hilton would be a good choice for the venue. A detailed offer should be available in the next days. Most likely, there would be no costs for the meeting rooms if a sufficient number of participants would stay at the Hilton.

With respect to

Action Item CZCP-PR-1-3: Doug Wilson will draft a scope for the workshop around the agreed-upon theme, including expected output/impact of the workshop, 0.5-1 page as introduction for the workshop in the announcement. He will distribute the draft to the group for comments. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2010-08-01,

Doug Wilson reported that he has started to draft the scope and will be able to distribute the draft soon. He asked Jorge Corredor and Julio Morell whether they agreed to the theme proposal, and both pointed out that they had only recently learned about the theme. They stated that they can provide logistical support for the workshop and science-related input, but much of the non-scientific aspects would have to be covered by others.

Following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-1-4: Hans-Peter Plag will updated the workshop document with the recent developments and distribute it for further input to the SC members. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-08-01,

, Hans-Peter Plag had distributed an updated document including comments from Michael Bruno to the SC members prio to the PR-2 telecon.

Action Item CZCP-PR-1-5: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll for the next telecon around mid August. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-07-15,

was followed up and closed.

Hans-Peter Plag reported that following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-1-6: With support from all SC members, Hans-Peter Plag will set up the web announcement at the web page. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-07-15,

, he had made minimal changes to the existing web announcement for the Worksh He had not received any other input for the web page.

2 Logistics and dates of the Workshop

The workshop dates are now fixed to March 9-11, 2011, with arrival on March 8, ice breaker in the evening, start at 9:00 AM on March 9, and end around lunch time on March 11. The venue most likely will be the Hilton. At an earlier meeting in January 2010, rooms were available at a rate of USD 179.

Hans-Peter Plag asked whether the registration should be handled by the Local Organizing Committee or by UNR, where tools for handling a registration fee would be available. Julio Morell pointed out that if there is a registration fee, UPR cannot handle the registration. The question whether there should be a registration fee was discussed in depth. it was pointed out that the registration feew woul have to cover costs for coffee breaks, ice breaker, a possible workshop dinner, and possible cost for rentals of presentation equipment. It was emphasized that a budget needs to be set up asap so that the costs can be compared to available funds in order to decide on a need for a registration fee.

Michael Bruno raised the question of travel support for participants. GEO might be able to fund two to three participants. UNESCO ans ONR are also potential sponsors. Doug Wilson asked to use the GEO Plenary in Beijing to inform the Caribbean and other Countries about the workshop and solicit funding. Hans-Peter Plag informed that the CZCP will produce several outreach materials and feature the Workshop there. He will participate in the GEO meetings and use the opportunity to contact as many representatives of relevant countries as possible.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-1: Hans-Peter Plag will use the GEO meetings in Beijing for outreach to relevant countries and solicit support for the Workshop. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-05.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-2: All SC members will look into options for travel funds in support of Workshop participants. Responsible: ALL, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-3: Doug Wilson and Paul DiGiacomo will look into possibilities to find additional funding for the workshop organization. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-4: Hans-Peter Plag and Paul DiGiacomo will contact the main relevant organizations (after a reasonable web announcement is available) Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Doug Wilson suggested to look for a NGO which could take responsibility for handling the registration, if there would be a fee. Hans-Peter Plag offer to investigate whether UNR could step in as a backup if all other options don't work out. If there is no registration fee, t UPR could handle the registrations.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-5: If a registration fee is necessary, then Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, and Doug Wilson will investigate whether a NGO can take the responsibility for handling the registrations and collecting the registration fee. Responsible: Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

For the hotel reservations, most likely a code will be made available which can be used for on-line reservations at the Hilton web page.

No other urgent logistical issues were identified.

3 Scope, objectives, and anticipated output

Hans-Peter Plag emphasized the importance to get a brief description of the scope, objectives and anticipated output of the workshop, so that the web-based announcement can be completed. No further discussion of these aspect took place. However, it was agreed:

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-6: All SC members will send input for the Scope, Objectives, and anticpated outputs of the workshop to Doug Wilson and in copy to Hans-Peter Plag. Other comments and input for the web announcement should be sent to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-09-01.

4 Workshop format

The format of the workshop was discussed in detailed. There was consensus that the workshop needs to focus on the link between the science-based providers of information and the end users. After some discussion, Hans-Peter Plag summarized a proposal:

The workshop should start with a plenary session with several keynotes:

  • a representative of the tourist organizations to discuss their needs in terms of issues that might benefit from earth observation based information;
  • a ecosystem expert to discuss conflicts between tourism and ecosystems and the information needs in support of conflict resolving;
  • a keynote on sustainable tourism and natural hazards, with focus on information needs to increase safety;
  • an expert discussing sustainable tourism and economy, with focus on information gaps;
  • a governmental representative speaking on coastal/inland planning issues and the information needs;
  • a GEO representative on current and future GEOSS services for the coastal zone and the Caribbean;
  • a science-based experts on current capabilities and relevant gaps in marine coastal observing systems and services.

After this initial plenary session, a discussion of one hour or more should scope the breakout sessions and identify the questions these sessions should consider.

Several breakout sessions could be start on the afternoon of the first day and continue in the morning of the second day. The afternoon of the second day could focus on the synthesis of the reports from these breakout session.

Finally, the morning of the third day could focus on scoping out an action plan to bring the providers and users into a longer and active relationship to address those issues identified during the workshop as benefiting from increased support from earth observations.

5 Thematic preparations and pre-studies

There was consensus that a pre-study needs to be carried out in order to make the workshop a success. It was also agreed that the full scope of the workshop needs to be addressed in the pre-study, which requires to involve both providers and users. It was agreed:

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-7: Michael Bruno, Paul DiGiacomo, and Doug Wilson will take the lead in organizing a pre-study to identify capablilities, gaps and issues relevant the workshop on the provider, more science-oriented side. Responsible: Michael Bruno, Paul DiGiacomo, Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-8: Hans-Peter Plag will take the lead in organizing a pre-study to identify issues, needs, and opportunities relevant to the theme of the workshop on the end user side. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

See the comments in the workshop document .

6 Invitations of end users, sponsors, and other contacts to be established

After a brief discussion, it was agreed to proceed in three steps:
  1. Step 1: Complete a reasonably well-developed announcement and description of the workshop on the workshop web page.
  2. Step 2: Based on the agreed-upon scope and objectives, identify the relevant organizations to be represented at the workshop.
  3. Step 3: Send out invitations and contact the organizations, where possible with specific requests and motivations.

7 Web announcement

Hans-Peter Plag repeated his request to get input for the web page at asap. He emphasized the need to announce the workshop in September 2010.

8 Publishing of the announcement through lists

In the discussion, several potential distribution channels were identified in addition to the GEO mailing lists and web pages, including CariCom and IOCARIB. It was agreed:

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-9: All SC members will send potential distribution channels (e-mail lists, web pages with meeting announcments) to Hans-Peter Plag, who will compile a list of all these channels. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-09-01.

9 Any Other Business

There was no other business, except:

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-10: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll for the CZCP-PR-3 in the weeks of September 13, 2010 and September 20, 2010. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-08-25.

10 Summary fo Action Items

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-1: Hans-Peter Plag will use the GEO meetings in Beijing for outreach to relevant countries and solicit support for the Workshop. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-05.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-2: All SC members will look into options for travel funds in support of Workshop participants. Responsible: ALL, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-3: Doug Wilson and Paul DiGiacomo will look into possibilities to find additional funding for the workshop organization. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-4: Hans-Peter Plag and Paul DiGiacomo will contact the main relevant organizations (after a reasonable web announcement is available) Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-5: If a registration fee is necessary, then Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, and Doug Wilson will investigate whether a NGO can take the responsibility for handling the registrations and collecting the registration fee. Responsible: Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-6: All SC members will send input for the Scope, Objectives, and anticpated outputs of the workshop to Doug Wilson and in copy to Hans-Peter Plag. Other comments and input for the web announcement should be sent to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-09-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-7: Michael Bruno, Paul DiGiacomo, and Doug Wilson will take the lead in organizing a pre-study to identify capablilities, gaps and issues relevant the workshop on the provider, more science-oriented side. Responsible: Michael Bruno, Paul DiGiacomo, Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-8: Hans-Peter Plag will take the lead in organizing a pre-study to identify issues, needs, and opportunities relevant to the theme of the workshop on the end user side. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-10-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-9: All SC members will send potential distribution channels (e-mail lists, web pages with meeting announcments) to Hans-Peter Plag, who will compile a list of all these channels. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-09-01.

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-10: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll for the CZCP-PR-3 in the weeks of September 13, 2010 and September 20, 2010. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-08-25.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

Note that these pages are no longer updated and only available for historical purposes.