CZCP Telecon
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
19:00 - 20:30 UTC
Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2011- 5-25 22:16)
Paul DiGiacomo,
Robert Christian
(Core Member)
Hans-Peter Plag,
Doug Wilson,
(Core Member)
Acceptance of Agenda and Status of Action Items
A list of the action items is available as
Brief report from the GEO Work Plan Meeting
Toward an open, wikipedia-like coastal information system
A draft description of the information system will be made available before the telecon.
Any Other Business
Date and Time of next telecon(s)
Summary of Action Items
Acceptance of Agenda and Status of Action Items
A list of the action items was made available as
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
Michael Bruno
will contact Lorna Inniss, Elizabeth Riley, Roy Wattlington,
Deirtre Shurland, Brad Nugent, and Jennifer Nugent-Hill and solicit specific input
for the Workshop report.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Michael Bruno,
Paul DiGiacomo
reported that he would follow this up in the next week.
Following up
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
will contact Jay Pearlman to get more information on the progress
concerning the Ocean CoP.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Paul DiGiacomo
had contacted Jay Pearlman and received a copy of
the ToR for the CoP OceanObs.
Paul DiGiacomo
is the representative of the CZCP in the new CoP,
Hans-Peter Plag
participates as an observer. Jay Pearlman is preparing a Research
Coordination Network (RCN) proposal to NSF, in which
Hans-Peter Plag
is goin got be a
Co-Investigator and
Paul DiGiacomo
a member of the Steering Committee.
With respect to
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
will investigate who in NOAA is working on bathymetry for the Caribbean and provide the
information to
Hans-Peter Plag
so that he can work with the contact person and develop a pilot project.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Doug Wilson
reported that bathymetry had been addressed at
a recent IOCARIB meeting.
Doug Wilson
committed to get the name of the person(s) involved.
He also mentioned that there was a IOC Caribbean bathymetry project. Some political issues
would hinder progress. He asked why bathymetry was of importance for the CZCP.
Hans-Peter Plag
pointed out that the issues associated with bathymetry made it a good test case for
the GEO data sharing principle. Setting up a pilot project that wiuld result into a web
page with information on available bathymetry data would keep some of the momentum of the
workshop going. Referring to
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will propose to ST-09-02 to consider bathymetry data sets as candidates for data that should be
registered in the GEOSS Registries.
Hans-Peter Plag,
he explained that on a global level,
bathymetry would be a very good test case for GEO principles and GEO added value.
Doug Wilson
suggested that the key stakeholders including IOC, IOCARIB, and
NOAA should be brought together to discuss how bathymetry in the
Caribbean could be addressed.
Hans-Peter Plag
stated that such a group would be exactly what is needed to start the pilot project.
Hans-Peter Plag
reported that he was not able to complete a draft description of the CZ
Information System (CZIS) as requested in
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will draft a description of the coastal information system and distribute this to the CZCP
core group for further discussion.
Hans-Peter Plag,
He explained that a more
relaxed work situation would allow him to complete the draft in the next two, max. three weeks.
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will contact
Robert Christian
and discuss with him options for promotion material for the CZCP
top be distributed at the Delta Conference in Spain.
Hans-Peter Plag,
Robert Christian
Hans-Peter Plag
were not informed whether
promotion material had been sent from the GEO Secretariat to the address in Spain.
Hans-Peter Plag
committed to ask
Douglas Cripe.
He also committed to send the poster to
Robert Christian
by Monday,
May 30, 2011.
Hans-Peter Plag
emphasized the need to follow up
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
Hans-Peter Plag
will prepare a news mail to the CZCP community and send this out
to the CZCP mailing list.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Hans-Peter Plag,
Paul DiGiacomo
asked whether the
CZCP web page has the facilities for people to submit contributions to a newsletter or
whether such submission could only be done by e-mail.
Hans-Peter Plag
explained that currently,
submission was only possible by e-mail, but that he might have a chance to add soon the
ability to submit on-line.
Brief report from the GEO Work Plan Meeting
Hans-Peter Plag
reported briefly on the GEO Work Plan Symposium held May 4-6, 2011 in
Geneva. Participation in the meeting was smaller than in the 2010 symposium in
Pretoria, with many Task leads not being present.
The meeting reviewed the V0.0 of the 2012-2015 Work Plan. Focus was on
two main areas, i.e., the proposed new management structure and the proposed tasks.
The proposed new management structure would eliminate the four committees, establish
management boards for tasks or task groups, and would limit membership on these
management boards to those how have committed to lead deliverables. These modifications
would turn an open, inclusive management structure of the GEO work into a rather
exclusive structure, which would strongly limit participation of developing countries
and smaller Participating Organizations in the management. There was considerable
resistance against the proposed new structure, and a number of alternatives were proposed.
However, it is not clear what consensus will emerge in the end.
The proposed tasks were discussed in detailed and many modifications were suggested.
A new structure for the task description was agreed upon, and during many post-symposium
discussions, the tasks were further developed. The Version 1.0 of the work plan very
likely will be rather different from V0.0. Deadline for comments on V0.0 is May 26, 2011.
It is expected that a V1.0 will be available in the near future.
Paul DiGiacomo
raised the issue that GEO is not providing funding.
Hans-Peter Plag
commented that GEO
is not a funding agency and it should not try to be. The example of the CfP issued by
GEO shows that GEO does not have the right authorities and links to funding agencies to
engage in such activities. The CfP has the potential of significant damage to GEO since
more than 70 teams took the time to write long proposals with not return for them whatsoever.
He also mentioned that at the GEO/EGIDA workshop in Bonn, May 9-11, 2011,
a session on
funding brought together high-level representatives of major global groups of funding
agencies, and the discussions could be as starting point for a high-level dialog between
GEO and these groups with the goal to develop a process for GEO to communicate science and
technology needs to these funding agencies, so that they can include them in their
The CZCP should review V1.0 closely and decide where the CZCP could take responsibility
or participate.
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will distribute the V1.0 of the CZCP to the Core Group when it becomes
available and coordinate the review of and commenting on the Version.
Hans-Peter Plag,
Toward an open, wikipedia-like coastal information system
No draft description of the information system had been made available before the
Hans-Peter Plag
stated that he would like to see a system that could adapt to a wide
range of conditions from highly developed areas with a lot of observations and
information, to developing areas with a lack of in situ observations and limited
Paul DiGiacomo
asked whether ideas concerning indicators were already developing
and what degree of granularity should be considered.
Hans-Peter Plag
expressed the opinion that
different indicators should be included from simple indicators requiring rather limited
information to highly complex ones requiring a larger set of parameters.
These indicators would have different information contents, and some would be possible
to compute more or less globally while other only would be available in some areas. For
him, having global maps showing the indicators or sets of indicators for coastal areas
would be a very valuable result of the CZIS.
Paul DiGiacomo
mentioned a conference on indicators
that took place last year in Portugal, and
Hans-Peter Plag
asked to get more information on that.
Paul DiGiacomo
asked about the plan for the CZIS.
Hans-Peter Plag
emphasized that the first step
would be to draft a brief document describing the objectives, design, and functionality
of the CZIS and discussing options for the population of the system. Once this
document would be accepted by the Core Group, then it could be used to contact
representatives of funding agencies to discuss options for getting the development
of the CZIS funded.
Paul DiGiacomo
asked whether there were already ideas for funding, and
Hans-Peter Plag
responded that he had explained the basic idea to relevant GEO representatives
from Canada, the U.S., and the European Commission. Reaction were generally very
positive. The proposed system was considered as very timely and needed. Reactions on the
inclusion of a crowd-sourcing component were particularly positive. Further steps would be
to get feedback from the broader CZCP and then to submit proposals for funding.
Hans-Peter Plag
emphasized the need to secure funding with a reasonable time perspective on the order of
three years to ensure that the system could be fully developed.
At the end of the discussion, it was emphasized that the first draft should be available
in three weeks and a meeting/telecon of the Core Group should be held shortly after to
discuss the draft in detail.
Any Other Business
Paul DiGiacomo
asked whether activities should be started to increase the CZCP membership.
Hans-Peter Plag
commented that according to the experience of the last three years, such
specific activities would not be very successful. The workshops to bring in users
had shown that it was important to meet the users on their grounds and to have something
to offer. Likewise, membership would increase if the CZCP would have to offer something
to the members.
Hans-Peter Plag
expressed the strong believe that a functioning CZIS would bring
in users and new members of the CZCP. However, developing the CZIS would require a
solid funding basis.
Paul DiGiacomo
suggested to contact
Peter Colohan
to discuss options for the funding. He volunteered
to talk to him.
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
will contact
Peter Colohan
and discuss options for funding the development
of the CZIS with him.
Paul DiGiacomo,
There was consensus that the CZCP for the time being should focus on the development
of the CZIS. Building a prototype and having it used for the Caribbean, a region in
Africa (West Africa?) and a part of the East Coast of the U.S. would stimulate a much
more active CZCP. For the East Coast of the U.S., a Sea Grant might have the resources to
use and populate the system.
Paul DiGiacomo
expressed the hope that
Michael Bruno
and others from
Stevens would be able to contribute.
Paul DiGiacomo
suggested that the Core group should consider to organize a small side meeting
of the CZCP at a bigger meeting where many of the CZCP members would be present. Both
Hans-Peter Plag
Paul DiGiacomo
will search for an appropriate meeting.
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
Hans-Peter Plag
will search for a larger meeting in 2011 or 2012
that has the potential to bring together a number of CZCP members and propose
a side meeting of the CZCP at such a meeting.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Hans-Peter Plag,
Robert Christian
pointed out that there was an increasing number of web sites with information
relevant to the coastal zone. He stated that it would be good if the CZCP web page
could be developed into a portal with information and links to other valuable
web pages.
Hans-Peter Plag
said that there were already two pages for (Products and Regions) that
could be used for this. It would be good to have brief paragraphs concisely describing a
web resource and providing a link. However, he would need support from CZCP members to
collect the links.
Robert Christian
volunteered to work with
Hans-Peter Plag
on developing this further.
Action Item
Robert Christian
Hans-Peter Plag
will work together to extend the information on relevant web
resources available on the CZCP web page.
Robert Christian,
Hans-Peter Plag,
Paul DiGiacomo
asked how progress could be made with respect to the Arctic workshop.
Hans-Peter Plag
referred to
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will send out invitations to the list discussed at CG-7 to be
a member of the Steering Committee for the 2012 CZCP Workshop.
Hans-Peter Plag,
. He stated that he will follow up this AI in the following week.
Once the Steering Committee is established, it would be important to organize a telecon
with the goal to agree on the theme,
objectives, venue, and dates. It should be possible to reach there by the end of July 2011.
After that, a program could be developed.
Date and Time of next telecon(s)
Paul DiGiacomo
suggested that the next telecon would be scheduled according to the
availability of the white paper on the CZIS.
Hans-Peter Plag
confirmed his commitment to have
this paper available within three weeks. Giving one week for a review by the Core Group,
if was agreed to hold the next telecon in about four weeks.
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will set up a doodle poll to find a date and time for the CZCP
telecon around end of June 2011.
Hans-Peter Plag,
Summary of Action Items
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will distribute the V1.0 of the CZCP to the Core Group when it becomes
available and coordinate the review of and commenting on the Version.
Hans-Peter Plag,
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
will contact
Peter Colohan
and discuss options for funding the development
of the CZIS with him.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Action Item
Paul DiGiacomo
Hans-Peter Plag
will search for a larger meeting in 2011 or 2012
that has the potential to bring together a number of CZCP members and propose
a side meeting of the CZCP at such a meeting.
Paul DiGiacomo,
Hans-Peter Plag,
Action Item
Robert Christian
Hans-Peter Plag
will work together to extend the information on relevant web
resources available on the CZCP web page.
Robert Christian,
Hans-Peter Plag,
Action Item
Hans-Peter Plag
will set up a doodle poll to find a date and time for the CZCP
telecon around end of June 2011.
Hans-Peter Plag,
Minutes prepared by
Hans-Peter Plag