
Action Items:

CZCP Work Plan Meeting, August 27-28, 2013:

Steering Committee 3rd Workshop, Puerto Rico Telcon

Monday, March 21, 2011
19:00 - 20:30 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2011- 4- 3 23:27)


Doug Wilson, NOAA (Correspondent)
Michael Bruno, Stevens (Workshop Series Chair)
Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, UNR (Co-Chair)
Roy A. Watlington, CaRA/CARICOOS
Jorge Corredor, UPR (Member)
Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA (Co-Chair)


1 Acceptance of Agenda

2 Information item: GEO Newsletter Report
Douglas Cripe and Hans-Peter Plag prepared a report to be published in the GEO Newsletter. The next issue of the Newsletter is scheduled to be published on March 21, 2011. The draft report, which will be edited by the GEO Secretariat is available as doc .

3 Discussion of the recommendation edits.
All comments and edits of the recommendations submitted so far were copied to everybody. A new version of the recommendations taking into account the edits is available as doc , pdf , doc with track changes .

4 Discussion of post-workshop activities
The workshop resulted in a number of proposed post-workshop activities that need to be started. The list of activities related to the recommendations includes:

  • GEO to invite UNWTO to become Participating Organization: Douglas Cripe after finalization of the recommendations
  • GEO Secretariat to initiate intergovernmental dialog: Douglas Cripe after finalization of the recommendations
  • A platform be created for a coordinated dialog with GEO and the CZCP: Hans-Peter Plag has set up an initial web page that could develop into a nucleus for such a platform. See . However, participation of the regional organization in developing this platform will be crucial.
  • A web-based information system for Coastal Zone issues be established: This is supposed to be a major activity of the CZCP over the next three years. Hans-Peter Plag has volunteered to prepare a first draft concept proposal. The idea is to populate the system initially with at least two regions with one being the Caribbean.
  • A pilot project be initiated to familiarize the regional users with GEO facilities: This pilot should by initiated by the CZCP, and it could actually be used to familiarize the broader CZCP community with GEO facilities and get feedback.
  • Arrangements be made for up-to-date presentations on GEOSS: This is already developing very well, with the first presentation to be given by Francesco Gaetani, GEO Secretariat.

Other post-workshop activities include:

  • Workshop report: If we decide to prepare a workshop report, then we need to decide on editor(s) who will have to solicit input. Likewise, we need to decide on the format (web-based, pdf, ...). The report would be published on the workshop web page.
  • Published brief reports: it was proposed to prepare reports/news articles/articles to be published in major journals of user and provider groups. Up to now, only the report for the GEO Newsletter has been published. We need to decide what other documents we want to prepare, and who will take responsibility for these.

5 Next Activities
We should decide on which activities the CZCP will focus on in the next months. The potential list includes:

  • The presentation of the CZCP at the DeltaNet Conference on the Impacts of Global Change on Deltas, Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons, to be held in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain) on June 6-10. See . Robert Christian will participate and present the CZCP. We might want to provide promotion material to him.
  • We need to develop to next workshop(s): Arctic region, and, potential, North Africa.
  • Concerning the CZWIS (Coastal Zone World Information System), we should investigate potential funding sources and key players.
  • CZCP Newsletter: We planned to start a newsletter in 2010, but did not manage to get it out. Should we reconsider? An alternative would be infrequent and more informal e-mails from the chairs to the CZCP community.

6 Any Other Business

7 Date and Time of next telecon(s)
Do we need more Steering Committee telecons? If so, what date and time for PR-18? We also should consider to take up CZCP Core Group telecons again. What date and time for that?

8 Summary of Action Items


1 Acceptance of Agenda

The agenda was accepted without any changes.

2 Information item: GEO Newsletter Report

Douglas Cripe and Hans-Peter Plag prepared a report, which was included in the GEO Newsletter, published on March 21, 2011, just before the . The participants commented positively on the report.

3 Discussion of the recommendation edits.

A new version of the recommendations was made available prior to the telcon with all comments taken into account. There was c point in the recommendations, but in the end, no further changes were decided. In particular, questions about the nature of the "platform" for a dialog between stakeholders in tourism and GEO were posed, and it was not clear whether this should be a regional CZCP. However, a regional CZCP would have to be broader than just tourism, and it was pointed out that the recommendations focused more on the stakeholders in tourism than stakeholders in coastal zone issues.

4 Discussion of post-workshop activities

The list of post-workshop activities included in the agenda was briefly discussed,
  • GEO to invite UNWTO to become Participating Organization: This resulted in

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-1: Douglas Cripe will propose to the GEO Secretariat that UNWTO is asked to submit prior to GEO-VII a request to become a Particiating Organization of GEO prior to GEO-VIII. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

  • GEO Secretariat to initiate intergovernmental dialog: This resulted in

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-2: Douglas Cripe will contact the GEO Principals in the Caribbean and discuss with them ways to initiate an intergovernmental dialog along the lines laid out in the Workshop recommendation. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-05-31.

  • A platform be created for a coordinated dialog with GEO and the CZCP: Hans-Peter Plag had set up an initial web page that could develop into a nucleus for such a platform. See . However, Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that participation of the regional organization in developing this platform will be crucial for success.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-3: Roy A. Watlington will contact Brad Nugent and discuss how participation of regional tourist organizations in the development of a dialogue platform can be ensured. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

  • A web-based information system for Coastal Zone issues be established: This is supposed to be a major activity of the CZCP over the next three years. Hans-Peter Plag has volunteered to prepare a first draft concept proposal. The idea is to populate the system initially with at least two regions with one being the Caribbean.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-4: Hans-Peter Plag will draft a description of the coastal information system and distribute this to the CZCP core group for further discussion. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

  • A pilot project be initiated to familiarize the regional users with GEO facilities: This pilot should by initiated by the CZCP, and it could actually be used to familiarize the broader CZCP community with GEO facilities and get feedback.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-5: Hans-Peter Plag will work with Roy A. Watlington and Douglas Cripe to develop a pilot project aiming at familarizing stakeholders in tourism in the Caribbean with GEOSS. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Hans-Peter Plag, Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-05-31.

  • Arrangements be made for up-to-date presentations on GEOSS: There were positively comments on the fact that a first presentation would be given by Francesco Gaetani, GEO Secretariat.

Other post-workshop activities include:

  • Workshop report: There was agreement that a web-based report should be preapred. No decision on editor(s) was made. The discussion resulted in:

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-6: Hans-Peter Plag will invite all participants of the workshop to submit contributions to the workshop report. He will compile a web-based report for iteration with the participants. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-15.

    Paul DiGiacomo expressed his concerns that no regional CZCP was developing as a result of the workshop and asked how such a regional activity could be started. Hans-Peter Plag proposed that the key regional organizations could be asked, but he emphasized that the regional CZCP would not necessarily be focused on sustainable tourism alone. Paul DiGiacomo responded that an option would be to consider a global thematic CoPs focusing on sustainable tourism, instead of a regional CZCP. Hans-Peter Plag added that there are already ] global CoPs on sustainable tourism, and it could be better to bring GEOSS to them instead of attempting to create a new CoP.

  • Published brief reports: there was agreement that reports/news articles/articles should be prepared for publication in major journals of user and provider groups.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-7: Michael Bruno will investigate which tourism-related journal in Puerto Rico could be used to publish a workshop report in. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-8: Roy A. Watlington will discuss with Elizabeth Riley how a workshop report can be distributed in CDEMA and its stakeholders. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-9: Jorge Corredor will investigate how a workshop report can be published in the IOCARIBBE media. Responsible: Jorge Corredor, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-10: Doug Wilson will discuss with Cesar Toro whether a workshop report can be published in the UNESCO and IOC media. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

5 Next Activities

Therew was some discussion on activities of the CZCP over the next months.
  • Hans-Peter Plag informed that Robert Christian will give a presentation on the CZCP at the DeltaNet Conference on the Impacts of Global Change on Deltas, Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons, to be held in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain) on June 6-10. See . There was agreement that promotion material for the CZCP should be provided to Robert Christian. Paul DiGiacomo suggested that the CZCP poster should be used. Hans-Peter Plag added that a leaflet could easily be prepared based on the material compiled for the Ministerial Summit.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-11: Hans-Peter Plag will contact Robert Christian and discuss with him options for promotion material for the CZCP top be distributed at the Delta Conference in Spain. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

  • There was agreement that the North Africa workshop was not on the agenda for the time being. It was agreed that the announcement should be removed from the web page.

    Hans-Peter Plag asked how best to start the organization of the next workshop, which should focus on Arctic coastal zones and climate change. Michael Bruno informed that he was involved in running a workshop in Anchorage in September, 2011, which would bring many decision makers there, including industry. Hans-Peter Plag asked whether the CZCP workshop should be combined with this event, but there was agreement that this would be both too early for the CZCP workshop and most likely also not the right co-location. There was agreement that the CZCOP workshop should take place in Summer 2012. Considering that many workshops focus on Arctic and climate change, it was emphasized that the identification of a niche for the CZCP workshop was important. Michael Bruno expressed his opinion that coastal issues do not get all the attention they deserve in the discussion of climate change impacts in the Arctic. A proposed title for the workshop could be "Climate Change in the Arctic: New Opportunities and Challenges for the Coastal Zones"

  • There was agreement that concerning the CZWIS (Coastal Zone World Information System), there is a need to investigate potential funding sources and key players. The draft description to be prepared by Hans-Peter Plag will be an important starting point.
  • CZCP Newsletter: Hans-Peter Plag remined that in 2010, it was planned to start a newsletter in 2010, but the core group did not manage to get it out. He proposed as an alternative to send out infrequent and more informal e-mails from the chairs to the CZCP community. This proposal was supported by the participants.

    Action Item CZCP-PR-17-12: Paul DiGiacomo and Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a news mail to the CZCP community and send this out to the CZCP mailing list. Responsible: Paul DiGiacomo, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-05-15.

6 Any Other Business

Therw was not other business.

7 Date and Time of next telecon(s)

There was agreement that the Steering Group should reconvene soon, preferably early next week. Paul DiGiacomo suggested to invite the conveners to this telecon.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-13: Hans-Peter Plag will organize the next telecon of the PR Steering committee. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-03-27.

It was also asked that the presentation to be prepared by Francesco Gaetani should be made available to the Steering Committee for comments prior to the presentation.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-14: Hans-Peter Plag will contact Francesco Gaetani and ask for distribution of the presentation to the Steering Committee for comments. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-03-27.

For a CZCP Core Group telecons, it was suggested to have this organized after April 15, 2011, when Hans-Peter Plag and other would be backl for the GEO meetings in Sydney.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-15: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll for a date and time for Core Group telecon after April 15, 2011 and ask all Core Group members to enter their availability. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-01.

8 Summary of Action Items

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-1: Douglas Cripe will propose to the GEO Secretariat that UNWTO is asked to submit prior to GEO-VII a request to become a Particiating Organization of GEO prior to GEO-VIII. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-2: Douglas Cripe will contact the GEO Principals in the Caribbean and discuss with them ways to initiate an intergovernmental dialog along the lines laid out in the Workshop recommendation. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-05-31.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-3: Roy A. Watlington will contact Brad Nugent and discuss how participation of regional tourist organizations in the development of a dialogue platform can be ensured. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-4: Hans-Peter Plag will draft a description of the coastal information system and distribute this to the CZCP core group for further discussion. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-5: Hans-Peter Plag will work with Roy A. Watlington and Douglas Cripe to develop a pilot project aiming at familarizing stakeholders in tourism in the Caribbean with GEOSS. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Hans-Peter Plag, Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2011-05-31.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-6: Hans-Peter Plag will invite all participants of the workshop to submit contributions to the workshop report. He will compile a web-based report for iteration with the participants. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-15.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-7: Michael Bruno will investigate which tourism-related journal in Puerto Rico could be used to publish a workshop report in. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-8: Roy A. Watlington will discuss with Elizabeth Riley how a workshop report can be distributed in CDEMA and its stakeholders. Responsible: Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-9: Jorge Corredor will investigate how a workshop report can be published in the IOCARIBBE media. Responsible: Jorge Corredor, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-10: Doug Wilson will discuss with Cesar Toro whether a workshop report can be published in the UNESCO and IOC media. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-11: Hans-Peter Plag will contact Robert Christian and discuss with him options for promotion material for the CZCP top be distributed at the Delta Conference in Spain. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-30.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-12: Paul DiGiacomo and Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a news mail to the CZCP community and send this out to the CZCP mailing list. Responsible: Paul DiGiacomo, Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-05-15.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-13: Hans-Peter Plag will organize the next telecon of the PR Steering committee. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-03-27.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-14: Hans-Peter Plag will contact Francesco Gaetani and ask for distribution of the presentation to the Steering Committee for comments. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-03-27.

Action Item CZCP-PR-17-15: Hans-Peter Plag will set up a doodle poll for a date and time for Core Group telecon after April 15, 2011 and ask all Core Group members to enter their availability. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2011-04-01.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

Note that these pages are no longer updated and only available for historical purposes.