
Action Items:

CZCP Work Plan Meeting, August 27-28, 2013:

Steering Committee 3rd Workshop, Puerto Rico Telcon

Friday, November 19, 2010
14:00 - 15:30 UTC

Minutes (Version 0.1 of 2010-11-24 10: 8)


Paul DiGiacomo, NOAA (Co-Chair)
Hans-Peter Plag, NBMG, UNR (Co-Chair)
Vanessa Gutierrez, UPR
Doug Wilson, NOAA (Correspondent)
Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat (Core Member)
Roy A. Watlington, CaRA/CARICOOS


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telecon
A list of Action Items is available here .

2 Status of Local Organization.

3 Workshop Announcement
The draft web announcement is available at . A registration form has been added and needs to be finalize. In particular, the part referring to Abstract submission needs discussion. A Abstract submission form has been added, too.

E-mail lists and other distribution channels for the announcement need to be compiled. See

Action Item CZCP-PR-2-9: All SC members will send potential distribution channels (e-mail lists, web pages with meeting announcments) to Hans-Peter Plag, who will compile a list of all these channels. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-09-01.

4 Workshop Program
A draft workshop program has been made available at and there the link 'Draft Program.' This draft needs to be discussed.

5 Invitations of speakers, end users, sponsors, and other contacts to be established.

6 Any Other Business

7 Summary of Action Items


1 Agenda and Action Items of the last telecon

A list of Action Items was made available as html . The following additional comments were provided.

Douglas Cripe reported that he would follow up

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-1: Douglas Cripe will request travel support for several participants from preferably Caribbean island in the workshop and focus on travel and subsistence costs, assuming that hotel room charges are covered by the local organizers. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2010-11-19,

together with the invitation letter to be sent out by the director of the GEO Secretariat.

Concerning the invitation letter drafted by Hans-Peter Plag following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-2: Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a draft letter to the GEO principals, circulate the letter to Paul DiGiacomo and Michael Bruno for comments, and provide it to Douglas Cripe for further handling. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-19,

the new AI was agreed:

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-1: Doug Wilson and Paul DiGiacomo will finalize the draft invitation letter and send this to Douglas Cripe for further handling. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-11-22.

Julio Morell reported prior to the telecon on

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-3: Julio Morell will follow up contacts to the Governor's office in order to find out to what extent the office may want to participate in the workshop. Responsible: Julio Morell, Deadline: 2010-11-19.

He approached the contact at the DNER, and his feeling was that if the Governor would come, then other high cabinet members would also come. It would also be possible to have the Governor's wife come, who is a good speaker and a lawyer.

Hans-Peter Plag reported that following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-4: Hans-Peter Plag will contact NOAA and USGS staff involved in tsunami early warning in the Caribbean. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-19,

he had sent a mail to David Green. Roy A. Watlington and Doug Wilson informed that David Green no longer was the program director of the national tsunami program. However, the director of the new Caribbean tsunami warning center, Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, would be interested in contributing to the workshop. They also mentioned Bill Proenza as a potential contributor.

Following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-5: Hans-Peter Plag will complete the form required for the setting up of a registration web page by Sheraton and provide the form to Vanessa Gutierrez. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-14,

Hans-Peter Plag complete the form as far as possible and sent it to Vanessa Gutierrez and others. Doug Wilson mentioned that he sent his address to Vanessa Gutierrez, and Vanessa Gutierrez informed that she had submitted the form to the Sheraton so that the web page could be set up.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-2: Vanessa Gutierrez will follow up with the Sheraton the establishing of the web page for hotel reservation and provide the link to this page to Hans-Peter Plag for inclusion on the workshop web page. Responsible: Vanessa Gutierrez, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

In the Workshop registration form drafted by Hans-Peter Plag according to

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-6: Hans-Peter Plag will prepare a draft registration form and send this to Vanessa Gutierrez and Julio Morell for comments. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-14,

the submission of abstracts is mentioned. Hans-Peter Plag asked what type of abstracts should be solicited. After some discussion, it was agreed to ask for abstracts for posters only, but to mention that authors of poster abstracts might be asked to present in breakout session or might be invited to present in a plenary session. Vanessa Gutierrez pointed out that for poster, an additional meeting room would be needed. It was agreed to have this room available for the second workshop day and to include a poster session in the program of that day. Vanessa Gutierrez informed that posters can have a size up to 24'' by 36'' (width by height or height by width).

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-3: Hans-Peter Plag will updated the workshop registration and abstract submission form to clarify that abstracts are for posters only, with the option of the Steering Committee/session chairs inviting poster authors to present in breakout or pleanary sessions. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-28.


Action Item CZCP-PR-4-7: All LOC and SOC members are asked to review the workshop announcement and provide additions and corrections to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-11-18,

Hans-Peter Plag mentioned that he had not received substantial input for the workshop announcement, and he urged the Steering Committee members to send more input.

Following up

Action Item CZCP-PR-4-8: Based on previous discussions and other available material, Hans-Peter Plag will draft a program for the workshop and solicit comments from the SOC members. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-15,

Hans-Peter Plag compiled a draft workshop program based on previous discussions. This draft was generally accepted. Doug Wilson stated that Roy A. Watlington will help to find names for the presenters and session chairs. Hans-Peter Plag emphasized the importance of identifying the session chairs and bringing them in for the development of their session programs. Paul DiGiacomo supported this. After some discussion it was agree:

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-4: All Steering Committee members will proposed names for session chairs and send these to Hans-Peter Plag, who will compile a list for discussion at the next telecon. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Doug Wilson informed the group that Roy A. Watlington will represent the Caribbean Regional Alliance (CaRA) and participate in the planning of the workshop program. Roy A. Watlington added that had already started to update a master list and agreed that there was the need to stay in touch over the next couple of weeks. Hans-Peter Plag pointed out that a lot of urgent work needs to be done more or less now since the time to the workshop is very short.


Action Item CZCP-PR-4-9: Julio Morell will send input concerning organizations to be contacted for the workshop and the prestudies to Hans-Peter Plag. Responsible: Julio Morell, Deadline: 2010-11-18,

Julio Morell had commented prior to the telcon that he will help with a list of local organizations, and that CaRA had requested the USVI outreach consultant to help Doug Wilson, Jorge Corredor, and himself to compile a regional list asap.

2 Status of Local Organization.

The input from the LOC had already been discussed in the previous point and nothing else was added.

3 Workshop Announcement

A draft workshop announcement had been made available by Hans-Peter Plag earlier. He reported that so far no immediate comments had been made. Hans-Peter Plag repeated his request to all participants to have a look at the web pages and send comments to him. He pointed out that in particular the Sponsor web page need to be completed.

Paul DiGiacomo pointed out that messages sent out to announce the workshop should also mention the main web page of the CZCP.

With respect to sponsors and organizations to be contacted, Hans-Peter Plag asked to what extent GOOS, LOICZ, GTOS, GCOS, WMO, and CDEMA should be involved. Paul Enza was mentioned as a potential contact for hurricane. Roy A. Watlington reported that an organization related to tropical shipping had hosted a disaster workshop. Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, who is the director of the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, was mentioned as a contributor.

Hans-Peter Plag volunteered to bring in relevant GEO Work Plan Tasks.

Hans-Peter Plag asked for support in getting some more general information included on the Workshop web page, particularly concerning the venue. Vanessa Gutierrez volunteered to help with links to relevant web pages.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-5: Vanessa Gutierrez will send some information concerning the workshop venue (e.g., links to relevant web pages) to Hans-Peter Plag for inclusion on the workshop web page. Responsible: Vanessa Gutierrez, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

4 Workshop Program

The draft workshop program was accepted as generally o.k. and a good starting point for the further development.

5 Invitations of speakers, end users, sponsors, and other contacts to be established.

It was agreed that Julio Morell, Jorge Corredor, Paul DiGiacomo, Doug Wilson, Michael Bruno and Hans-Peter Plag would consider which providers to invite. The draft program would help to identify the relevant participants and speakers to be contacted.

In the discussion, Doug Wilson asked for contacts to the World Bank, GEF, and International Development Bank. Roy A. Watlington indicated that he could help with contacts. Hans-Peter Plag asked about insurances, and it was mentioned that Jay (?) was funded by re-insurances, and Toni Napp was mentioned by Paul DiGiacomo as potential contact

6 Any Other Business

The importance of urgent actions was emphasized. Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, and Roy A. Watlington agreed to use time in the coming week to discuss details.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-6: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Roy A. Watlington will get together and develop several details of the workshop, including the program further and report to the next telecon. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Roy A. Watlington emphasized the importance of bring in insurances, which he considers to be very interested.

Due to Thanksgiving making it difficult to have the next telecon on Friday, November 26, it was agreed to have PR-6 on Monday, November 29, 2010.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-7: Douglas Cripe will set up PR-6 as WebEx for November 29, 14:00 UTC and provide the call-in information to Hans-Peter Plag for distribution. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2010-11-26.

7 Summary of Action Items

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-1: Doug Wilson and Paul DiGiacomo will finalize the draft invitation letter and send this to Douglas Cripe for further handling. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Deadline: 2010-11-22.

Status of Action Item CZCP-PR-5-1: Obsolete.
Report: On November 23, Douglas Cripe went ahead and had the invitation letter sent out to the GEO Principals. Reported on 2010-11-24 by Hans-Peter Plag.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-2: Vanessa Gutierrez will follow up with the Sheraton the establishing of the web page for hotel reservation and provide the link to this page to Hans-Peter Plag for inclusion on the workshop web page. Responsible: Vanessa Gutierrez, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-3: Hans-Peter Plag will updated the workshop registration and abstract submission form to clarify that abstracts are for posters only, with the option of the Steering Committee/session chairs inviting poster authors to present in breakout or pleanary sessions. Responsible: Hans-Peter Plag, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-4: All Steering Committee members will proposed names for session chairs and send these to Hans-Peter Plag, who will compile a list for discussion at the next telecon. Responsible: All, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-5: Vanessa Gutierrez will send some information concerning the workshop venue (e.g., links to relevant web pages) to Hans-Peter Plag for inclusion on the workshop web page. Responsible: Vanessa Gutierrez, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-6: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Roy A. Watlington will get together and develop several details of the workshop, including the program further and report to the next telecon. Responsible: Doug Wilson, Paul DiGiacomo, Roy A. Watlington, Deadline: 2010-11-28.

Action Item CZCP-PR-5-7: Douglas Cripe will set up PR-6 as WebEx for November 29, 14:00 UTC and provide the call-in information to Hans-Peter Plag for distribution. Responsible: Douglas Cripe, Deadline: 2010-11-26.

Minutes prepared by Hans-Peter Plag

Note that these pages are no longer updated and only available for historical purposes.