[15 June 2008] First regional CZCP Workshop held successfully in Athens, Greece: The first Workshop in a series of regional GEO/CZCP Workshops focusing on GEOSS Support for decision-making in the coastal zone and particularly the managing and mitigating the impacts of human activities and natural hazards in the coastal zone was successfully held on June 9th to 13th, 2008 at the the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics Medical and Biological Research Foundation (IIBEAA) in Athens, Greece. More than 35 participants representing global and regional organizations with interest in the Mediterranean coastal zone discussed the current status of Earth observations and decision support, identified gaps specific to the Mediterranean, and proposed activities addressing these gaps. A workshop report is currently in preparation and will be made available at the CZCP web page in the near future. More information on the Workshop is available at the GEO CZCP Workshop web page. Post-workshop information is collected at the CZCP Workshop Page.